
     When people say "healing" what do they mean? It can be an array of things. So the first thing you want to do is stay OPEN to the word and its many facets. One person might want to cut processed foods out of their life while someone else may need to repair their childhood trauma. Healing can be any and all of what places you on the path of feeling better. Better than yesterday. Not as good as tomorrow.      Is there a right way to do it? NO. There are many steps, tools and systems and the combinations of how to use them can be endless. What is important is that you decide you want to heal. It has to come from you...deep within. Once you've made that decision, you can wander along and find the breadcrumbs that get you to that place. Some things will be simple adjustments. Others will be heart wrenching and long.        I am here to offer guidance. I am here to be a support. I walk my own path to healing DAILY. Every single day I work on it. I skin my knees often. I g